Quality Policy


As a recognized school, we have certain policies and codes that are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of our young learners, as well as to create a positive and inclusive learning environment for all.
Our policies and codes include:
Code of Conduct: Outlining the behavioral expectations for all students, staff, and parents. This includes respecting others, practicing good manners, and following school rules that are age-appropriate.
Child Protection Policy: Safeguarding children from harm or abuse. We have clear guidelines for recognizing and reporting suspected cases of abuse or neglect, as well as procedures for ensuring that all staff and volunteers are thoroughly screened and trained.
Health and Safety Policy: Maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our students. This includes regular cleaning and disinfecting, food safety guidelines, and protocols for illness and injury that are age-appropriate.
Admission Policy: Our criteria for admitting young learners to our school, which includes age requirements, readiness for school, and any additional needs or requirements for admission.
Fee Policy: Procedures for payment of tuition and other fees those are age-appropriate.
Privacy Policy: Protect personal information of our students, staff, and parents. We have clear guidelines for how we handle sensitive information, such as health records and emergency contact information.
We encourage all members of our school community to review and understand our policies and codes. These policies and codes are in place to create a positive and safe learning environment for all of our young learners.

If you have any questions or concerns about our policies and codes, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to working together with parents and families to ensure the best possible educational experience for our students.