

At Brookfield, we believe in providing a well-rounded education for our students, where they can develop not only academically but also socially, emotionally, and creatively. Here are some of the programs and activities that we offer:

Arts and Sports:

We encourage our students to explore their creative side and stay physically active through various arts and sports programs. Our school has a music and dance program, art and craft sessions, and a variety of sports programs, which enhance our students to stay physically fit.

Clubs and Houses:

We have a variety of clubs and houses where students can explore their interests and develop new skills. These include the Eco Club, Dance Club, Music Club, Culinary Club, Fitness Club and Art Club. We also have a House system where students are divided into teams to promote friendly competition and team spirit.

Leadership Program:

We believe in developing leadership skills among our students from a young age. Our school has a leadership program that provides various opportunities and platforms for students to take on leadership roles and enhance their speaking skills.

Events and Excursions:

We organize a variety of events and excursions throughout the year to provide hands-on learning experiences for our students. These include cultural fairs, talent shows, camps, field trips to museums and historical sites, and more. We believe in celebrating diversity and cultural differences. We celebrate various festivals and special occasions, such as Diwali, Pongal, Christmas, Republic Day and Independence Day.

Innovative Programs:

We believe in staying up-to-date with the latest teaching methodologies and technologies. Our school has innovative programs such as robotics, augmented reality to provide a dynamic and engaging learning environment for our students.

Community Service:

We believe in instilling a sense of empathy and responsibility in our students towards the community. We have various community service programs where students can participate and contribute.

We believe that these programs and activities help our students develop essential life skills, such as leadership, teamwork, creativity, and empathy. We encourage parents to encourage their children to participate in these programs and take advantage of the opportunities we provide beyond academics.



Jungle Gym

kids play





Computer Lab


Science Lab
